Enrolment to the First Holy Communion Sacrament Program is made by visiting the parish office where your details will be entered for you.

A copy of the child’s Baptism certificate is required as well as the permission of both parents/carers. Candidates need to be Catholic and in Year three or above.

People normally receive their Sacraments in the Parish where they live.

Unlike Baptism, which occurs only once in a person’s life, Holy Communion is a sacrament that is observed over and over all throughout the life of a Christian. Every time a person attend Mass can receive the Holy Communion, so that we can connect with God and become closer to Him.

To receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, first needs to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Holy Communion is the precious Body and Blood of Christ expressed in the Sacrament of Eucharist, has great importance because in it our hearts are to receive Jesus and make a full Communion with Him.