
Extraordinary Ministry of the Eucharist

  • In two circumstances in which a lack of sufficient ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion can occur:
    • during Mass, because of the size of the congregation or a particular difficulty in which a celebrant finds himself
    • outside of Mass, to take the sacred species to the sick, especially at home, in hospitals and similar institutions.


  • This ministry is given to ordinary lay men. The acolyte is appointed in order to aid the priest. It is his duty therefore to attend to the service of the altar and to assist the priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of Mass.


  • The reader reads from the ambo the readings that precede the Gospel. In the absence of a psalmist, the reader may also proclaim the Responsorial Psalm after the First Reading.In the absence of a Deacon, the reader, after the introduction by the Priest, may announce the intentions of the Universal Prayer from the ambo.
    If there is no singing at the Entrance or atCommunion and the antiphons given in the Missal are not recited by the faithful, the reader may read them at an appropriate time.


  • All Christians are called to spread the joy of the Gospel. Every baptised person has the right and a duty after due formation, to become catechised in the Catholic faith.Catechist spread the Catholic faith, through strenuous effort, they bring the joy of Christ to people who hunger for meaning in their lives, who desire forgiveness and healing, and yearn to know the truth about God and themselves.

Children Liturgy

  • The Children’s liturgy program is an opportunity for young children ages kindergarten and up, to grow in their faith through scripture, activities, discussion and prayer.At the Sunday 09.30am Mass, after the welcoming the children are lead to the parish centre where they engage in an age appropriate discussion and prayer. The adults leaders (usually teachers) focuses the reflections on the themes in the daily scripture readings. A special point is made to talk about why we do particular things in the Mass and to address any questions raised by the children.Children enjoy the child friendly atmosphere all while they learn about their faith. You are very much facilitated to join the mass.


Computer Operators

  • We are fortunate to have in our Church, Power-Point presentations leading the congregation in the prayers and hymns for all our Sunday Mass Celebrations and other main Liturgies. These are displayed through out Parish laptop. We have would like to have also young parishioners (aged 14 years and above) who operate the computer during Mass. We welcome any interested new additions to our rosters. Training sessions will be given. Please contact Parish Office with your expression of interest.

Altar Society

  • The Altar Society is a group of parishioners volunteering their time to look after the the church, the sanctuary and items in the sacristy.
    Members of the Altar Society take care of anything needing attention. The key motto here is: If you see something out of place, fix it or clean it up, if it something needs attending, take care of it.
    People from this group have been gifted by God with good will and humility.


  • People who enjoy to serve God in realm of the creation made by God. they make the surrounding of the church clean and beautiful as to announce what you find inside. They special people who fix or clean what is needed. Everyone is welcome, you don’t need much experience.


  • People who help during Mass to collect offerings from those who attend. Each Mass should be 4 people.